Saturday, May 21, 2011

Oviedo Spain

I think that in order to learn a second language well you have to be immersed in it. In the US it is easy to revert back to English and that’s why studying Spanish in Oviedo seemed so good. I have been to Europe once before and I guess because of that when I think of Spain I imagine the other places I have been only in Spanish. I feel like my understanding of Spanish is good, not great, but good. Most of the time I can understand the gist of what is being said, the hard part for me is finding the right words to respond. I think the hardest part of impromptu conversation is conjugating all the verbs right. Beyond learning the language and coming home as a better speaker I am excited for the adventures that we will have.
I can’t decide if I am excited or scared about my host family because I don’t know anything about them. If they are cool then I am sure it will be a lot better, if they are unfriendly then I guess I will speak less but I think things will be good in the end no matter what.

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